Friday, November 19, 2021

Blog Post 7: Changes to my study programme


As I said in previous posts, I study architecture, and even though I like my career, there are many things I would like to change about it. As for curriculum, I think there are some subjects that could be summarized a lot, (such as the ones of structure and materials), and there are others subjects that should be enhanced in my opinion. In relation to workload and length of studies, I’ve always complained about the academic overload, I think there are many thins that could have been planned in a better way, to make university life more enjoyable. I also think that the career could be shorter than it is today if some subjects that are perhaps not so necessary were summarized.

In my faculty, there are always complaints about the infrastructure, I can't say much because I was in the faculty for a very short time, but what I remember most are the rats and the lack of good ventilation in the rooms. In relation to use of technology, we have to use many programs, so it is necessary to have a good computer, however I think this could discriminate or disadvantage some students who cannot afford it, perhaps the university should guarantee computers for those students. As for teaching methods, I think we have mostly teachers with good methods, however there is a part of them who do not have them, and for those I think it is necessary to teach them how to improve their teaching techniques.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Blog post 6: Time travel to the future

Hi everyone!

Well, if I think about travel to the future, obviously I don’t know exactly the year but I would like to know if someday we would be a type 3 civilization, and I would like to go there because I don’t know how it is to live in that reality, and I would ask them many things.If you don’t know what a type 3 civilization is, it is a civilization capable of harnessing all the energy of the galaxy. It extends throughout the galaxy, populating many solar systems.

I cannot make an estimate of how much we are missing to achieve that development as humanity, because the probability is very low, not to say it is impossible. Anyway, it is interesting to imagine a future in which we dominate the universe or even know other types of intelligent lives beyond everything that we know nowadays.

I think I would like to stay there for a while, I think I would have many things to learn and investigate, I would like to know what their politics are like, their morals, their education, economy, everything. Even if they have found any way to stop aging or even being immortal. I know this all sounds impossible but if you ask a caveman about the technology we have today, he would also think it is impossible so...

 why not?

Blog Post 8: English language challenges

I think I've learned many things in English courses at university, but I think that if the lessons weren't online, I could have lear...