Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Blog post 6: How can my major make the world a better place?

As most of you know, I'm studying architecture and through my years of study I have realized how my major can affect in terms of pollution, for example we could contaminate with materials that are not recyclable or that in their elaboration emit large amounts of CO2.  Or even if we use materials that are not thermally efficient, people will have to use heating, which is a big expenditure of energy.  I see myself in the future specializing in something related to the environment because I think that in the coming years it will be increasingly important to take care of our planet considering the damage we have done over all these years.

The way that my major could contribute to the worlds benefit is projecting sustainable buildings, worrying about the materials we use, and by using efficient ventilation techniques, so that is not necessary to spend on heating. Another way it would be to promote the use of renovable energies or collect rainwater.


  1. Hi Antonia, you are right in saying that in the coming years it will be very important to take care of our planet, and to hold us responsible for our indifference.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Antonia, like you I think that we need to incorporate sustainable vision in Architecture, it´s essential! We need to take into consideration all the points you mentioned if we want to continue living in this world.

  4. Hi Antonia! I agree with you. We are part of a generation that is responsible for carrying out a change in architecture and, therefore, we must take charge of the solutions that we will offer to people. I think that topics such as sustainability should begin to be applied en masse and it will be our responsibility (together with other professionals) to promote this change.

  5. Hello Antonia, I agree with you on everything. I think that from our careers we can definitely contribute to reducing the damage to our planet and promoting new sustainable measures to minimize the impact on the environment.

  6. Hi Antonia, I think it's perfect that you want to dedicate yourself to caring for the environment, is something very important for all of us


Blog Post 8: English language challenges

I think I've learned many things in English courses at university, but I think that if the lessons weren't online, I could have lear...